Friday, September 28, 2012

Juice Fasting & Spiritual Awakening

"Master Mehrdad Khan Moayedi"

Over the past year, juice fasting and water fasting have turned into an important part of a prevalent trend to lose weight in North America, but a lot of people lack a full understanding and the significant of fasting.  In addition, many organizations are striving to profit from this effort and are misinterpreting the most significant part, which is spiritual awakening and many more benefits in your life. 
"Let your food be your medicine and your spirit be your guide."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I have lost 80 pounds of pure fat with Muay Thai Training

Brian - Before Picture
I walked into Master Mehrdad's Muay Thai kickboxing gym, what feels like just yesterday, but in reality it was about a year ago now. Let me say now that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My goal was to lose weight and get into great fitness shape; Master Mehrdad not only openly gave me the tools to do that, but pushed me to along the way. I’ve never felt better about myself; this has given me the confidence to do things that I would have never dreamed of before. I’ve lost 80 pounds of pure fat and counting to this date.

To me coming to Master Mehrdad’s Martial Arts and Muay Thai gym no longer feels like work anymore because I enjoy it so much. The other students couldn’t be more welcome and helpful for everyone striving to meet their goals.
After & Now
Brian Jenezon

Muay Thai Student in Fighter program